What are the main principles of DevOps?

DevOps is diferent from Technical Operations. It has folowing main principles:
Incremental : In DevOps we aim to incrementaly release software to production. We do releases to production more often than Waterfal approach of one large release.
Automated : To enable use to make releases more often, we automate the operations from Code Check in to deployment in Production.
Colaborative : DevOps is not only responsibility of Operations team. It is a colaborative e fort of Dev, QA, Release and DevOps teams.
Iterative : DevOps is based on Iterative principle of using a process that is repeatable. But with each iteration we aim to make the process more e ficient and be ter.
Self-Service : In DevOps, we automate things and give self-service options to other teams so that they are empowered to deliver the work in their domain.