How to clean cache using a SSH terminal
Very simple please follow my command # rm -Rf /home/* # rm -Rf /home/*
Continue ReadingVery simple please follow my command # rm -Rf /home/* # rm -Rf /home/*
Continue ReadingIt is very simple just below instruction: 1. Go to System > Configuration >Payment Method 2. Open payment method “Saved CC” change the title of your payment method. Just change your text at your own way. Please check screen cap for details view:
Continue ReadingWe can solve this issue two way. First way : Create local.xml file with below code and upload your theme layout folder <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?> <layout> <checkout_cart_index> <reference name=”content”> <block name=”checkout.cart”> <remove name=”checkout.cart.shipping”/> </block> </reference> </checkout_cart_index> </layout> Second way : Remove the following code from /app/design/frontend/yourtheme/layout/checkout.xml <block type=”checkout/cart_shipping” name=”checkout.cart.shipping” as=”shipping” template=”checkout/cart/shipping.phtml”/>
Continue ReadingIt occurs several issue. please check below: Please check your DB. Is it up or not. Please check your net connection. Error show due to script can not reach DB within time. it seems that your code this portion is not working general db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL = db.params.username = root db.params.password = my_password db.params.dbname = “mydatabasename” either the …
Continue ReadingMage::app() :: initializes the application object with all variables and objects which are required to access Magento. Initialize application without request processing. Mage::run() :: is the Frontend entry point which means it loads the configuration files, module configuration, load Database and handles request processing. Run application. Run process responsible for request processing and sending response.
Continue ReadingMemcache module provides handy procedural and object oriented interface to memcached, highly effective caching daemon, which was especially designed to decrease database load in dynamic web applications. The Memcache module also provides a session handler (memcache). Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating …
Continue ReadingIt is very simple. Please follow the step. Go to this path app/code/core/mage/catalogsearch/block/result.php copy this file and make app/code/local/mage/catalogsearch/block/result.php step 1 ) Uncomment lines 149 and 150 $this->getListBlock() ->setCollection($this->_getProductCollection()); step 2 ) Modify the line 172 change this line $this->_productCollection = $this->getListBlock()->getLoadedProductCollection(); to $this->_productCollection = Mage::getSingleton(‘catalogsearch/layer’)->getProductCollection(); Goto the admin panel (System -> Index Management) and Reindex Goto the System -> …
Continue ReadingIt is very simple. Just open checkout.xml Line number may be 58. <!–block type=”checkout/multishipping_link” name=”checkout.cart.methods.multishipping” template=”checkout/multishipping/link.phtml”/–>
Continue ReadingPlease add below code in app/etc/local.xml <stores> <default> <web> <unsecure> <base_url>http://your url</base_url> </unsecure> </web> </default> <admin> <web> <unsecure> <base_url>http://your url</base_url> </unsecure> </web> </admin> </stores>
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