Blog: Extra-ordinary

Magento only one product showing on category page

Please check following step : 1. Check all product of category inventory “Qty” & “Out of stock”. It’s should be more then single qty & in stock. 2. Check website(Magento 1.8 or below). 3. Clear cache admin->system->cache management. 4. Re indexing all index from Admin>system>Index management Hope solved your problem.

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Magento does not accept different Name than sitemap.xml

It is very simple, please follow below step. /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/File/Validator/AvailablePath.php copy this file and paste this in your local folder /app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/File/Validator/AvailablePath.php find if ($this->_availablePaths && !$this->_isValidByPaths($valuePathInfo, $this->_availablePaths, false)) { $this->_error(self::NOT_AVAILABLE_PATH, $this->_value); return false; } replace with if ($this->_availablePaths && !$this->_isValidByPaths($valuePathInfo, $this->_availablePaths, false)) { $this->_error(self::NOT_AVAILABLE_PATH, $this->_value); return true; }

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What is the difference between Authorization, Capture, and Sale?

 Authorization You request an authorization when a customer makes a purchase. An authorization, provided by the customer’s card issuing bank, confirms the cardholder’s ability to pay, ensuring that the customer’s credit card account is in good standing with sufficient funds to complete the purchase. Capture After providing a service/product to the customer, you ‘capture’ the relevant information from the authorization …

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Explain life cycle of a Block in Magento

_prepareLayout() method is called immediately after a block has been added to the layout object for the first time. _beforeToHtml() method is called immediately before a block’s HTML content is rendered. _afterToHtml() method is called immediately after a block’s HTML content is generated. _beforeChildToHtml() is called when a parent renders one of its children (through a call to $this->getChildHtml(‘name’)).

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