Is VPN traffic encrypted?

Yes, traffic on the virtual network is sent securely by establishing an encrypted connection across the Internet known as a tunnel. VPN traffic from a device such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone is encrypted as it travels through this tunnel. Offsite employees can then use the virtual network to access the corporate network.

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What is secure remote access?

Secure remote access provides a safe, secure way to connect users and devices remotely to a corporate network. It includes VPN technology that uses strong ways to authenticate the user or device. VPN technology is available to check whether a device meets certain requirements, also called a device’s posture, before it is allowed to connect remotely.

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What is Orchestration Do?

Configuring and scheduling of containers. Provisioning and deployments of containers. High Availability of containers. Configuration of the applications that run in containers. Scaling of containers to equally balance the application workloads across infrastructure. Allocation of HW resources between containers. Load balancing, traffic routing and service discovery of containers. Health monitoring of containers. Securing the interactions between containers.

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What are the main principles of DevOps?

DevOps is diferent from Technical Operations. It has folowing main principles: Incremental : In DevOps we aim to incrementaly release software to production. We do releases to production more often than Waterfal approach of one large release. Automated : To enable use to make releases more often, we automate the operations from Code Check in to deployment in Production. Colaborative …

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What is the architecture of Kubernetes?

The architecture of Kubernetes consists of folowing components: Master : There is a master node that is responsible for managing the cluster. Master performs folowing functions in a cluster. I. Scheduling Applications II. Maintaining desired state of applications III. Scaling applications IV. Applying updates to applications Nodes : A Node in Kubernetes is responsible for running an application. The Node …

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What is the use of Kubernetes?

We use Kubernetes for automation of large-scale deployment of Containerized applications. It is an open source system based on concepts similar to Google’s deployment process of milions of containers. It can be used on cloud, on-premise datacenter and hybrid infrastructure. In Kubernetes we can create a cluster of servers that are connected to work as a single unit. We can …

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What is Docker Hub?

Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry. We can use Docker Hub to link code repositories. We can even build images and store them in Docker Hub. It also provides links to Docker Cloud to deploy the images to our hosts. Docker Hub is a central repository for container image discovery, distribution, change management, workflow automation and team colaboration.

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What is a DaemonSet In Kubernetes?

The DaemonSet object is designed to ensure that a single pod runs on each worker node. This means you cannot scale daemonset pods in a node. And for some reason, if the daemonset pod gets deleted from the node, the daemonset controller creates it again. Cluster Log Collection: Running a log collector on every node to centralize Kubernetes logging data. …

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What is Zookeeper?

ZooKeeper provides multiple feature for distributed applications. It can manage large set of hosts & complicated process. Distributed configurations managements. Self election/ Consensus building. Coordination and locks. Key value store. Zookeeper used in many distributed systems like Hadoop, Kafka.

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