how to increase page rank? Tips by Bangladeshi SEO expert.

 Blog Commenting.

 Forum Commenting.

 Directory Listing.

 Social Media Profile.

 Guest Blogging.

 Use of NoFollow tag.

 Internal linking structure.

 Spammy Neighborhood.

 Acquiring Special Backlinks.

 Say No to Spammy Activities.

 Use NoFollow attribute sparingly.

 Make your comment section NoFollow.

 Submitting Website Different Directories.

 No spammy outbound links.

 Don’t use Porn words.

 Don’t make multiple sub-domains.

 Don’t involve in link-scheme.

 Don’t watch Porn while logged-in to your Google A/c.

 Regular updating.

 High Quality Content.

 Don’t Go Link Crazy.

 Website Loading Time should be reduce.

 Top Notch Article Quality.