Zend PHP 5.3 certification practice question

1.    What will be the output of following code.Options
echo 1  .  2;
2.    is_float() is a valid php function?.
A. True
B. False
3.    What will be the output
$stack = array(“orange”, “banana”, “apple”, “raspberry”);
$fruit = array_shift($stack);
A. array(“orange”,”banana”,”apple”)
B. array(“”banana”,”apple”,”raspberry”)
C. Number of parameter passed is incorrect
D. orange
4.    What will be the output of following code
$a = 3 * 3 % 5;
5.    Can you set user agent setting inside php.ini file?
A. True
B. False
6.    Multiple catch blocks can be used to catch different classes of exceptions in PHP.
A. True
B. False
7.    Choose function name which is best suited for returning an item from the argument list.
A. func_get_arg
B. func_num_args
C. get_func_paramter
D. None of above
8.    ________ function is used to import variables in to the symbol table from an array.
9.    __________________ function is used for register custom wrappers.